Lindlar/Gummersbach, 09.11.2021. It was early in the morning when twelve trainees from Schmidt + Clemens (S+C) set off for the Oberbergische Tafel in Gummersbach together with their Training Manager, Uwe Leimbach.
"The idea itself came from our trainee Veronika Zimmer," says Uwe Leimbach. "She was quickly able to find other trainees for the idea of a volunteer day and then approached the Tafel in Gummersbach to see if help was needed there."
The Oberbergische Tafel e.V. runs a soup kitchen as well as a food distribution in Gummersbach's Karlstraße. That's where the S+C trainees got involved today, helping to cook in the soup kitchen and hand out the food. Two trainees accompanied the drivers in collecting food donations from the surrounding supermarkets. "Of course, everyone involved was tested currently and received detailed hygiene instruction," says Uwe Leimbach.
Around noon, S+C Managing Director Dominic Otte and the Chairman of the Tafel, Ulrich Pfeiffer, joined them and had a casual conversation with the trainees about their experiences on this volunteer day. "Schmidt + Clemens is part of society and we also fulfil this responsibility in many ways," Dominic Otte reports. "We are sustainably committed to the region, whether in the areas of sport, education and, as here with the Tafel, in the social sphere."
The trainees also had a surprise for the Tafel. Veronika Zimmer and Dominic Otte presented a donation cheque for € 1,000.00 for the work of the Oberbergische Tafel e.V.
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