10.02.2017 – CATEGORY: Press RELEASE


New processing technology strengthens position as world market leader

The family-run enterprise Schmidt + Clemens has invested around 8 million euros in the deep-hole boring sector in the last two years, thereby consolidating one of the company's core technologies. Of this, two million euros were spent on a new processing centre for the manufacture of special profiled pipes for the petrochemical industry. 

"Profiled pipes can considerably boost the effectiveness of so-called cracking furnaces," reports S+C's managing partner Jan Schmidt-Krayer. "When combined with our patented material "Centralloy HTE", the coking of the tubes during use by the customer is reduced in the extreme."

 S+C is the world market leader in the field of tube systems for the petrochemical industry, a position it has held for many years. Most recently, the company was voted one of Germany's most innovative medium-sized enterprises, and was also commended for its continual re- and further development of processes and materials. Schmidt-Krayer is happy to announce that "the special tubes offered under the brand name "Scope Fusion HTE" are already in great demand." In the process, S+C does not supply "off-the-peg" systems, instead creating individual solutions in close consultation with the customer, and in the wake of relevant trials in its in-house development lab. 

The tools for the new processing centre were developed by S+C itself, and patent applications have been filed, both for the tools and for the processing sequences and machinery use. Says Schmidt-Krayer: "These days, it is important to secure corporate know-how worldwide - this is the only way that we can retain and expand our significant market position in future. Politics and trade unions have been hampering economic framework conditions in Germany for years now. This has resulted in our focus on the high-tech sector, and necessitates our transfer of staff-intensive tasks abroad."

The Schmidt + Clemens Group employs a staff of approximately 1,100 worldwide (around 560 in Germany) and, in addition to its headquarters in Germany, also produces in Spain, the United Kingdom, the Czech Republic, Malaysia and the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. 


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