Effective 1st June 2015 Heinz Jürgen Kroner takes over the responsibility as Chief Sales Officer at the high-grade steel specialist Schmidt + Clemens (S+C), Lindlar, Germany. He follows Thomas Hellige who is leaving his position on grounds of age.
Heinz Jürgen Kroner is 51 years old and a graduate engineer. He possesses extensive marketing experience in engineering-oriented companies and brings with him experience of different corporate cultures, change management and production management.
"As Chief Sales Officer he has an outstanding basis for both the further development of our existing markets as well as for active business development in the terms of our growth strategy.", says Jan Schmidt-Krayer, Managing Partner.
Curriculum Vitae:
Heinz Jürgen Kroner, * 1964 in Cologne
Studied at Munich Technical University, Degree in Engineering Science
After his degree he took up different positions as Sales Manager in the beverage supplying industry.
Since1998 member of the GEA Group
- Until 2004 Managing Director, Tuchenhagen Brewery Systems GmbH
- Until 2010 Board Member, Process Engineering Division der GEA Group AG
- Board Chairman, Huppmann AG
2010 SVP Brewery, Beverage and Food PDX Plc. Huntingdon, UK
2012 Chairman, Pentair Südmo Corporate Management, Riesbürg
The Schmidt + Clemens Group has over 1,000 employees worldwide (with around 600 at the headquarters in Germany) and has production facilities in Spain, Great Britain, the Czech Republic, Malaysia and Saudi Arabia.
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