The Furnace, could rightly been stated, is at the “heart” of every Syngas process plant and forms an integral part of it. In all cases, the Reformer Radiant Section contains several hundred vertically oriented straight centrifugally cast tubes, commonly known as Reformer- or Catalyst-Tubes. Reaction gases at 450 - 650°C and pressures of 30 to 45 bar(g) are led through the reformer tubes that are filled with catalyst and heated to 800 - 900°C. This makes the tubes especially susceptible to so-called material creep.
Experience shows that Reformer Tube Assemblies, produced by centrifugal casting in heat-resistant materials, are in the very best position to withstand the ever increasing rigorous operational conditions. S+C has been incorporating the latest improvements and innovations in the design of new tube materials. This improved alloy, our Centralloy® G 4852 Micro R material has been introduced and put into service in several operating plants in 2005, already. Since then S+C supplied Reformer Tubes in Centralloy® G 4852 Micro R material for many major projects around the world, with the thinnest tube wall possible and it is understood that tube life is expected to last longer and perform more reliable under adverse conditions such as a high number of start-up / shut-downs, overheating, hot spots due to catalyst performance.
We have developed a special material for the extreme operating conditions in steam reformers which has already been employed successfully in many large projects worldwide.
With the addition of carbide-forming elements such as niobium and titanium, we achieve a unique creep strength and generate a considerable delay in the onset of creep in the material. The material also allows a reduction in wall thickness of the reformer tubes.
When it comes to the application of our spun cast products in steam crackers, reformers or DRI plants, there is practically no situation that we cannot assist you with. To put it simply: We manufacture tubes, coils, reformer tubes, harps and manifolds for petrochemical application using the combination of know-how, quality and reaction speed that is unique to S+C.
S+C offers the full range in spun cast and static cast parts, i.e. tubes, return bends, elbows, Y-pieces, T-pieces and tetra-fittings all from just one source. Another advantage of S+C spun cast products is that we can manufacture entire tube assemblies such as harps and ethylene coils completely in-house. This benefits our customers because in addition to spun cast products, S+C also manufactures static cast products. S+C’s experience with both casting processes ensure that individual components are combined to give optimum results.
In addition to our high alloy systems being used in the radiant sections of process furnaces, it is the substantial added values that make S+C stand out from its competitive environment. The message is clear: Because we understand your installations and problems, we can increase your sales revenue and profits. We achieve this by optimising our products and services, allowing you to increase production volumes significantly.
S+C offers advice for the high alloy components in your furnaces throughout their entire life cycle. From design, through manufacture to delivery and installation, and then during a lifetime of operation and maintenance, S+C is your partner, assisting you in reducing the life cycle costs of our products.
Our specialists and consultants know – due to their extensive experience in the petrochemical industry – the precise interaction of material and process and can recommend the optimum application and design of our products. Furthermore, we will also train your specialist welders in processing our materials or offer advise on other associated matters.
Our process / software specialists analyse your historic operating data with computer-assisted tools to identify trends and predict areas of improvement. Intimate knowledge of performance of our products ensures the right selection when evaluating maintenance and operational considerations.
You would like to learn more about our products and services? Contact us and we will be glad to help you.